data sovereignty

for the creative industries

Labels, DSPs, PROs, distributors, publishers... with so many different sets of data, who is the definitive authority on music rights?

The music industry and various third parties have tried multiple times over the years to solve this fundamental problem. Usually by trying to create a unified, single system to meet the needs of all verticals in the industry.

The problem is complex and is rooted in the historical separation of artists from their IP rights and revenue generation. It is compounded by the un-attributable revenue model that incentivises opaque processes and incomplete metadata. In spite of this, we detect a sea change:

  • government initiatives (UK IPO streaming inquiry and US Music Modernisation Act)
  • growing pressure from artists and managers for a focus on transparency
  • evolving metadata uses + values (algorithms, style guides, playlists)
  • education creating artist empowerment and IP rights awareness
  • emerging web3 technology opportunities

The Envoke approach is to leverage these areas of change from a different angle. Our purpose is to re-engage artists with their music, their revenue, and their equally valuable data. One of the direct ways to do this is re-connecting artists to their metadata, as artists are the source of information about their music. Developed using a complex combination of public policy, research, educational initiatives and emerging technologies; we are creating practical tools using innovative and rewarding design that recognises what the artist values and is motivated by. We take a human centred approach. Art is from the human, and metadata is a description of that art. We return that focus to the individual and generate the metadata from that source.

our goals

Envoke's simple and driving aim is to create scalable solutions that ensure music rights holders are paid accurately, transparently and on time.

our partners

We are an open global alliance of record labels, artists, technology developers, educators and academic researchers.

Confirmed labels

Mushroom Group (AU), Africori (SA), Anti-Fragile (USA), Stolen Recordings (UK), Secret City (Canada), K7 (Germany), Unified (AU), Mom and Pop (USA), Lowswimmer (Denmark), Delira (Brazil), Duchamp (France), Kanjian (China), TopShelf (USA), Not Like That (UK)


Research partners


about the people behind this project.

Merida Sussex CEO and Co-Founder

Merida co-founded an award-winning independent UK record label, Stolen Recordings and publishing company, Stolen Publishing, in London in 2005. Under her leadership the label was awarded Best Independent Label 2011 Association of Independent Music (UK) and achieved global growth and financial success. She guided the label to becoming a licensed brand in Europe, the US, Japan, and Australia, attracting investors and capitalizing on the fast-changing music landscape. Merida is highly regarded for her digital innovation and strategic advice in the music industry. She was a board member of the Association of Independent Music (UK) and is currently in her second term on the international Merlin Network Board. Merlin represents the most commercially significant set of rights outside of the three major labels globally. Merida began her music career as an artist and has maintained an artist perspective on the industry.

Peter Harris CSO and Co-Founder

Peter is a Berlin based founder and board member of Resonate, a streaming music co-operative with over 16,000 members. Resonate began in 2015, directly inspired by the advent of blockchain technology. As CEO of Resonate, Peter collaborated with numerous partners in the industry, including George Howard from Berklee/MIT Open Music Initiative, BigChainDB (now the Ocean Protocol), Imogen Heap of Mycelia, and Ujo from Consensys, among many others. In 2018, Peter negotiated a funding agreement with RChain, a proof of stake blockchain system based in Seattle, WA, USA. Peter regularly provides strategic advice for start-ups and continues to consult Resonate on a weekly basis.


This project has been assisted by the Australian Government through the Australia Council for the Arts, its arts funding and advisory body.


The MetaGen app brings completeness, accuracy and verification to music data with an easy to use app that guides metadata creation. Reconnecting creators with their work and supplying industry with thorough, high quality, industry standard, verified data.

Collecting data for music in a light touch, visually engaging and user friendly way means it is easy for any user to document music; from early versions of a work, capturing composer and performer details, up to the final finished recording including data rich options for discovery and fan engagement. This innovative approach from the creator and artistic process perspective integrates with the app’s technology to connect required revenue collecting information, industry codes and identifiers.

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MetaGen Account Version: Privacy Policy | Terms and Conditions